QuickBooks is a popular Accounting and Financial Management application by Intuit. It stores all your precious accounting data in QBW (QuickBooks database) file. Intuit QuickBooks uses a database engine, called iAnywhere, for effective management and manipulation of your significant data. However, in some cases, the database engine fails to work due to corrupt QuickBooks database. At this point, all your precious data become inaccessible and you come across data loss problems. In such grave situations, you need to opt for Intuit QuickBooks recovery to get your business-critical data back.
As a practical example of QuickBooks database engine failure, you may encounter the following error message while opening the QuickBooks application:
“Adaptive server anywhere database engine has encountered a problem and needs to close”
You may also run across the the above error message while attempting to access an employee, vendor, or customer center in the QuickBooks company file. To extract information from corrupt QuickBooks file after this behavior, you need to figure out the root of the issue and fix it.
Grounds of the issue:
The problem generally occurs due to any of the below reasons:
The QuickBooks application is not installed properly.
The company file of Intuit QuickBooks database is corrupt.
The installation of QuickBooks application is damaged. Under some circumstances, the corruption may occur by virus infection on concerned drive.
You have copied company file to a removable media and then removed the drive without closing Intuit QuickBooks application.
When any of the above problems occur, QuickBooks may not work properly.
You can try out any of the below methods to sort out this problem:
Verify the problem database using Verify Data Utility and then rebuild it.
Create and restore portable QuickBooks company file.
Restore company file from the most recent backup.
Scan your computer using an updated Anti-virus program to find out the viruses and remove them.
If the installation of QuickBooks application is damaged, uninstall and then reinstall Intuit QuickBooks.
In case all the above methods fail to fix the issue, you need to opt for third-party Intuit repair applications.
The Intuit recovery software are capable of thoroughly scanning entire QuickBooks database and extracting all inaccessible data from it. They safely recover the database by preserving database integrity with non-destructive nature.
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